Hard Style Masterclass with Gracie

Discover the art of instructing and crafting your very own Hard Style dance classes. Gracie is here to guide you through the process of designing sequences packed with energetic movements that synchronize flawlessly with the beat.


  • Next date TBC

  • 4 hours of practical in person instruction

  • 2 years access to online resources

  • 10 Hard Style dance resource videos

  • Specific warm-up video tailored to the Hard style

  • 3-5 conditioning specific drills and exercises

  • Limited spots - 15 per course


  • Open to instructors looking for personal/professional development who want to enhance their teaching skills and knowledge

  • You must have a good understanding of this dynamic and fast style of movement

  • You must be able to do a basic handstand against a pole and have a good understanding of active flexibility

  • Must be high inter +

  • Minimum of 1 year experience in pole dance style classes

  • Strong showgirl/split grip and upright twisted grip required

Flow Style Masterclass with Mischka

Ready to take your teaching to the next level? In this masterclass Mischka will provide the skills and techniques you need to teach a flow style class of your own. You can be confident you are learning from the very best in this masterclass with the current Exotic Gen flow champion.


  • Next date TBC

  • 4 hours of practical in person instruction

  • 2 years access to online resources

  • 10 Flow dance resource videos

  • Specific warm-up video tailored to the Flow style

  • 3-5 conditioning specific drills and exercises

  • Limited spots - 15 per course


  • Open to instructors looking for personal/professional development who want to enhance their teaching skills and knowledge

  • Must be high inter +

  • Minimum of 1 year experience in pole dance style classes

  • Strong showgirl/split grip and upright twisted grip required

What are our students are saying

Flow Style Masterclass with Mischka


What really progressed my skillset in flow style was that Mischka broke down exactly WHAT makes flow style actually considered "flow", versus hard style for example. I always felt an inherent understanding of what makes flow "flow", but could never quite articulate it, which obviously isn't helpful for students or even myself when creating pieces. This workshop and the online material really broke it down to its fundamentals and provided a thorough methodology/framework with which to think about, create, and curate flow choreography. Essentially it helped me sort out years of messy thoughts around flow style into neat little boxes and categories in my head, which my adhd brain greatly appreciates!!! This has been an instrumental shift in both my own Flow expression and Flow teaching! Thank you so much Mischka

Hard Style Masterclass with Gracie


The Hardstyle Workshop with Gracie was incredibly fun. It was packed full of content, high energy and amazing vibes. It was everything I was expecting. Gracie covered all areas of Hardstyle. From the warm up to strengthening and conditioning, to then dance sequences that covered the components of this fast, dynamic and explosive style. I walked away feeling very inspired and confident and I cannot wait to start my journey in teaching this style of dance to my students. I look forward to doing more workshops/masterclasses like this” And also one of my favourite parts of the workshop was collaborating with other instructors to create a hardstyle piece, to then teach it to others with Gracie’s guidance. I really enjoyed it